
Started by Grant and Jennifer Stenzel in 2003 as a small, Wheaton practice dedicated to “helping people live their lives well”, Stenzel Clinical Services has expanded over the years to include 24 therapists and a second location in Naperville.

And on December 1st, 2013, we’ll be celebrating our 10th anniversary.

With an important milestone like this on the horizon, we’re pausing to consider where we’ve been and just how important anniversaries and milestones are, altogether.

Let’s start by looking at why we, as a whole, celebrate anniversaries. Certainly, there is the obvious reason – Having milestones in place reminds us to celebrate the major events that have taken place in our lives. Among the most recognized are birthdays, anniversaries and engagements – All usually celebrated as an achievement for making it through another year.

But in addition to these events being recognized as accomplishments, anniversaries can be used to look back at where you’ve been at different times in your life, what has been different and special about each year passed and to recall all you’ve been through.

People and marriages go through several stages, as we grow and change, learn more about ourselves and have quite a variety of experiences over our lifetimes.

Having a day to commemorate and remember where you’ve been can be deeply meaningful.

We are feeling especially blessed as our 10th anniversary nears to have succeeded in growing Stenzel Clinical Services as we have. This not only means that we’ve provided jobs and made a real difference in the community, but we’re proud to say that our therapists have walked beside many who have needed to make real change in their lives – to live their lives better – and have helped them to accomplish their own, life-altering goals.

We have provided hope for many, where there was none. And it’s this accomplishment that, humbly, brings us the most pride.

So join us in celebrating this most important milestone. And don’t forget to celebrate your own. We all should take time to reflect, feel pride in our work and celebrate life as it is now.