It’s our mission to help ALL people live their lives well through our supportive and encouraging mental health counseling services. Call today if you are looking for a “therapist near me”. We have 3 convenient locations throughout Chicagoland.
Individual Counseling, Family Counseling, Group Counseling, Online Counseling, Illinois Counseling Services
We know how difficult it can be to seek help with mental health issues. It’s our mission to help ALL people live their lives well, and we’re here to meet you where you are in a supportive, encouraging way.
How To Be A Healthy Christian Therapist Through Difficult Times
To be a good minister, you need to let others minister to you. Each bite-size episode teaches you the small things you can do right now that can lead to big changes in your life as well as the people you work with.
Latest Posts
Each week, we post the latest articles and new blog content across a variety of categories. Browse our latest.
Navigating Hurry Sickness
In today's fast-paced world, the relentless pressure to do more, achieve more, and be more in less time is taking a significant toll on us at the turn of a quarter century.Do you often feel [...]
Cultivating Healthy Relationships
Healthy relationships can look different to different people, as individual emotional and relational needs evolve over time and with personal growth. While definitions of "healthy" may vary, most agree that these relationships balance individual [...]
What Is Stress and How Does It Affect Your Health?
Stress is an inevitable part of our everyday life, often arising from different problems and challenges. Stress is the body’s natural reaction to external changes or challenges, threats, or demands that require our immediate [...]