When choosing a therapist, it is important to consider their Areas of Practice. specializes in:

When choosing a therapist, it is important to consider their Areas of Practice. specializes in:

When choosing a therapist, it is important to consider their Areas of Practice. specializes in:

Resting the Mind

This practice perfectly illustrates the adage ‘teach what you need to learn.’ Many have been relentlessly tackling a large volume of tasks lately, leaving little room for rest. (Though it’s reassuring to see the task list shrinking faster than it’s growing.)

It’s often in the moments of exhaustion – when we’re pushing ourselves too hard, neglecting rest, and feeling depleted – that the true value of rest becomes most apparent. We wear down, our energy dwindles, and we become less effective for ourselves and others.

Conversely, when we prioritize rest and recharge, we experience increased energy, sharper mental clarity, enhanced resilience, greater patience, and a deeper capacity for caring.

This is an invitation to prioritize rest at the new year. You deserve it.

Honestly assess how much time you truly spend at complete rest: time devoid of any activity, planning, or even the lingering weight of unfinished tasks. Time where you simply are, with a sense of profound relaxation and ease – no stress, no pressure, nothing weighing on your mind.

Perhaps not much time at all if you’re like others.

Acknowledge any underlying beliefs or fears that may be hindering your ability to rest. These may include the fear of losing your edge, things falling apart, disappointing others, or facing judgment.

Now, imagine a wise and compassionate friend observing your current habits and understanding your anxieties around rest. What advice would they offer? Similarly, listen to your inner voice – that still, quiet part of yourself – for guidance and support. What wisdom does it offer regarding your need for rest?

Imagine the profound benefits that would arise from heeding the advice of both your wise friend and your inner voice. Increased energy, improved focus, enhanced creativity, and greater compassion for yourself and others are just a few of the potential rewards.

Commit to taking concrete steps towards a more restful life. This may involve:

  • Scheduling dedicated rest periods throughout your day.
  • Refusing to overload your schedule with new commitments.
  • Practicing mindfulness to quiet the mind and reduce internal chatter.
  • Engaging in activities that promote relaxation such as spending time in nature, listening to music, or reading.
  • Beginning each day by consciously connecting with your life’s purpose. Spend a few moments simply resting in this awareness, allowing yourself to be carried by its gentle current.
  • Before each meal, pausing briefly to acknowledge the nourishment you are about to receive.
  • Cultivating  awareness of the subtle pause between each breath. Regularly notice this space and allow yourself to rest within it.
  • After completing a task, taking a short break before moving on to the next.
  • Dedicating a few minutes each day to mindful stillness. This essential form of meditation allows your mind to rest and rejuvenate.
  • Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal time.

Recognize that your mind, like a muscle, requires periods of rest to replenish its energy. Encourage it to disengage from constant activity, allowing yourself to postpone worries, problem-solving, and rumination for later. When you rest, fully immerse yourself in its pleasures, allowing them to seep deep within you, like a warm rain nourishing the earth.

Imagine the profound benefits that would arise from heeding the advice of both your wise friend and your inner voice. Increased energy, improved focus, enhanced creativity, and greater compassion for yourself and others are just a few of the potential rewards.

By Deepak Santhiraj, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

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