When choosing a therapist, it is important to consider their Areas of Practice. specializes in:

When choosing a therapist, it is important to consider their Areas of Practice. specializes in:

When choosing a therapist, it is important to consider their Areas of Practice. specializes in:

Top 7 Benefits of A Good Night’s Sleep

The Centers for Disease Control recommends adults sleep at least 7 hours each night. If you are getting around 7 hours of rest nightly, you’re lucky. Nearly one in every three adults has difficulty sleeping each night. If you are not getting good sleep each night, you need to begin thinking about how you can get more rest because the benefits of a good night’s sleep are invaluable. Here are the top seven benefits of getting restful sleep each night.

1. Strengthens Your Immune System

These days, everyone is trying to keep their immune systems operating at peak form because there are a lot of bacteria and viruses always lurking around. Researchers have found that when adults get enough sleep, they allow their immune systems to rest and rejuvenate as well, so they’ll be ready to fight off the next illness. Also, there’s research that indicates vaccines against viruses work more effectively when you are well-rested.

2. Helps With Weight Loss

Doctors and researchers who study the factors that lead to weight loss have found that adults who get 7 hours or more of sleep have an easier time losing weight. That’s because when you don’t get enough sleep, you tend to eat more sugar, caffeine, and carbs to fight off exhaustion. The more caffeine, carbs, and sugar you consume, the harder it will be for you to lose weight. Also, if you consume carbs, sugar, and caffeine in the evening or late at night, you may find it hard to go to sleep. You may end up in a vicious cycle of consumption, sleeplessness, and then more consumption. Getting enough sleep will help you reach your weight loss goals more quickly.

3. Keeps Your Heart Healthy

A lot of people are under stress these days. When you operate under a lot of stress at home or at work, your body releases cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Cortisol can raise both your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels–which can have a huge impact on your heart. When you sleep for 7 hours a night, your heart actually gets more rest because it doesn’t have to work as hard when you’re sleeping. Also, when you’re sleeping deeply, you let your cortisol levels drop, which also benefits your heart. This may be one reason why studies have found that when adults go for a long time without adequate sleep, they have an increased risk of heart attacks.

4. Improves Your Mood

Are you a morning person or an evening person? Many people love mornings, especially when they get enough sleep. Researchers have found that when you get enough sleep, your mood improves. Restful sleep also means you can perform at your best, whether that means running a marathon, leading a sales meeting, or running around after a roomful of children.

Studies have shown that when adults don’t sleep well, they may suffer from anxiety, depression, mood disorders, or even hallucinations.

Benefits of A Good Nights Sleep

5. Can Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

Are you a diabetic? While Type I diabetes is rare and only occurs in children and adolescents, Type II diabetes usually occurs in adulthood. No matter what type of diabetes you have, you know that it is all about controlling your blood sugar. If you don’t get your blood sugar under control, you can suffer from all kinds of complications, such as pain in your feet, loss of eyesight, kidney issues, strokes, and heart disease. If you are diabetic, it is essential for you to get a good night’s sleep because a good night’s sleep helps to regulate your blood sugar. Also, the longer you have diabetes, the more your body may resist the insulin that you have to take, which means you have to take more insulin over time. With restful sleep, diabetics can help their bodies to remain healthy.

6. Aids With Memory

As adults age, they may struggle with memory. However, you don’t have to be approaching midlife to understand the importance of memory and a good night’s sleep. When you sleep well, your memory benefits. Your short-term memory and recall are better with sleep and sleep aids in converting your memories from short-term to long-term memory retention. Researchers have found that when people get enough sleep, their memories are sharper, and they can recall information and facts more quickly.

7. Can Be Lifesaving

This may sound dramatic, but researchers have noticed some of the most dangerous times to be on the road is the morning after Daylight Savings Time begins because many adults aren’t getting enough rest. The fewer hours you sleep, the less attentive you are as a driver. In fact, by not sleeping, you are driving with about the same amount of impairment as someone who is under the influence. By getting enough sleep, you may save your own life, as well as the lives of your loved ones.

Nearly one in every three adults has difficulty sleeping each night. If you are not getting good sleep each night, you need to begin thinking about how you can get more rest

Stenzel Clinical Services

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